Leading with Truth
Tammy G Wolfe Consulting is solely owned and operated by Tammy Wolfe in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. A proud band member of Norway House Cree Nation (Kinosao Sipi), Tammy Wolfe grew up in the Child Welfare system in Northern Manitoba as well as Winnipeg's inner city. She has experiences working both in the private and public sector, as well as extensive lived experiences dealing with many of the social issues that Indigenous people are facing in Canada. She has made a strong commitment to focus her work and attention on advocating on Indigenous social justice issues, missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls & Two Spirit people (MMIWG2S), housing and homelessness, decolonizing the school system and cultural awareness and education through Indigenous Ways of Knowing. She is a strong believer that our youth are the future and we must always remember the 7 generations behind and the 7 generations forward.
She has completed 3 years of business in college to attain a certificate at Bow Valley College in Calgary, Alberta. As well as, an honours diploma through Red River College in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in History, minoring in English and a Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Winnipeg in 2016. She attained a Higher Education Teaching Certificate in 2020 and she most recently completed the Master's of Arts in Indigenous Governance program at the University of Winnipeg, where she was humbled to be selected as the graduate student with highest distinction award. She studied colonial effects on Indigenous women in Canada, specifically focusing on MMIWG2S, successfully defended her thesis, "Unheard Voices: Healing Stories of Reclamation and Rebuilding for Families of MMIWG2S who have not been involved in the National Inquiry". This work is close to her heart as she honored her mother as well as all others impacted by the ongoing problem of MMIWG2S. Healing is an essential component to her life long learning journey, as well as her personal and professional journey.
In keeping with her passion for learning she is currently a PhD Candidate at the University of Manitoba in her 3rd year of the PhD program in the Indigenous Studies department. She is studying beadwork as a holistic method of healing with the community of MMIWG2S. She currently works as a lecturer at the University of Winnipeg.
Manitoba Future 40 under 40 Award - CBC
Tammy G. Wolfe Consulting was selected for a CBC Future 40 Award, which recognized "the achievements of 40 Manitobans aged 40 and younger who made outstanding professional or service contributions to the community and who are making a difference in the lives of Manitobans."
Innovators and educators in Future 40 create hub of expertise in Manitoba | CBC News
MAIG student honoured with CBC Manitoba Future 40 Award | University of Winnipeg News
William Easter- Okimawisip First Nations, Culture & Language Scholarship
Tammy G. Wolfe was selected for the William Easter Award, which is meant to honour the work that people are doing with culture, with First Nations people, with connection to language. "The scholarships were established in 2018 by FNHSSM to carry on the legacy of Henry Skywater and William Easter. Both were Knowledge Keepers who worked to preserve First Nations culture, traditions, language and ways of life."
​2 Manitoba First Nations women win awards for academic trailblazing | CBC News
Community Builder Award -
SEED Winnipeg
Tammy G. Wolfe was selected for the SEED Winnipeg Community Builder Award, based on the work she does within the community as an educator, consultant, podcast host and designer and her past engagement with SEED Winnipeg. The Community Builder Award looks to recognize the work that individuals do within the community which help support community building initiatives.